Reflection: Why Characters Fascinate Us and How They Impact Our Lives

CBS’ little known TV comedy, Partners just got canceled in its first season, and logically I know I shouldn’t be sad. The show was not great; it was barely good, and to tell the truth, it really, really sucked. With its godawful writing and predictable plots, it was a mediocre show at best. It’s any… Continue reading Reflection: Why Characters Fascinate Us and How They Impact Our Lives

The Three Best Reasons to Give Your Art Away For Free

“Please do not limit this CD to your iPod and earbuds, play it   at parties and with your friends and make memories with us. Illegal duplication is encouraged.” When I first started blogging a few years ago, I wrote a little known article on Handshake Media about Chris Anderson’s Free: The Future of a Radical… Continue reading The Three Best Reasons to Give Your Art Away For Free

What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?

“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” Just the other day, in the middle of a week where I’ve started exploring my own fears, my mom shared with me a Facebook interview with Oprah. In the interview, Oprah mentions she’d never felt fear before. Ever. Not a day in her life. According to Oprah,… Continue reading What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?

Indie Book Review: Peter the Wolf, by Zoe E. Whitten

“Nothing about my old life went away. But now I’m supposed to pretend it doesn’t exist because reality is too horrible for normal people to handle.” A foster teen with a sketchy, sexually-abused past and less than altruistic urges, Peter Holmes expects to have his usual hell-of-a-time adjusting to his new (fourth) “too good to… Continue reading Indie Book Review: Peter the Wolf, by Zoe E. Whitten

Marketing Tricks: Streamline your Art without Sacrificing your Artist Brand

As an artist, I’m sure you more than likely run screaming at the dreaded word, marketing. It’s true that marketing has kind of gotten a bad rep in the eyes of the public – what with all the typical salesmen and media advertisements out there, all with the underlying mantra to sell, sell, sell. The… Continue reading Marketing Tricks: Streamline your Art without Sacrificing your Artist Brand

9 No-Nos That Could Cost You Artistic Integrity

Lately everybody’s brimming with excitement over American Idol, and in the wake of this week’s (very entertaining) auditions for season 9, I’d say there’s a lesson for us artists to take away. Even if AI is not your thing. Even if you think you’re the hottest thing since Madonna. Or Picasso. Or William Shakespeare. Even… Continue reading 9 No-Nos That Could Cost You Artistic Integrity